Hook Up a Weimaraner!

Welcome to BarkSpot from Bark PDX, a blog dedicated to our pets and our lives and adventures with them. Here we will share ideas, information, news, links, fun stories, anecdotes and basically everything pet and animal related.

Hook Up a Weimaraner!

I remember the first time I ever saw a Weimaraner, it was a sunny day in Arizona (obviously) and he moved in across the street. I quickly befriended his owner so that I could get a closer look at what I thought was one of the most beautiful dogs I’d ever seen. He stood tall with a shiny, almost sivler coat and icy blue eyes. He was a sweet dog, he was sensitive and thoughtful too. He didn’t fit into any of the negative stereotypes associated with the breed and was nothing short of a great dog.

While looking through one of Bark PDX’s Facebook fan’s profiles I discovered this link for a Weimaraner Rescue. The need for a home doesn’t discriminate against even the most beautiful, thus the need to have these kinds of establishments looking out for our furry friends. Karl August, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach would be happy to know that there were organizations dedicated to preserving the well-being and integrity of his breed. Take a look, and of course help if and however you can.

Weimaraners Rescue

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