Your Dog’s Pretty Hot

Welcome to BarkSpot from Bark PDX, a blog dedicated to our pets and our lives and adventures with them. Here we will share ideas, information, news, links, fun stories, anecdotes and basically everything pet and animal related.

Your Dog’s Pretty Hot

We have experienced a number of extremely hot days this summer and it looks like the sun has similar plans for us tomorrow. When considering this heat with respect to your pets, it’s important to remember that it’s best to leave them at home than suffering in the extreme heat of the car. All of those dogs that you hear frantically screeching in a sweltering parked car are barking for your help. Your dogs knows very well how easy it can be for them to fall victim to suffocation or heat stroke when left unattended in a hot car. Leaving the windows open may not be sufficient. Parking in the shade may not be sufficient. Do your little buddy a favor and don’t ask them to suffer like that, they most likely wouldn’t do that to you. Stay cool

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