Tax Deductions for Pet Care!

Posted in Animal, Cat, Dog, Oregon, Pets, Portland, dog walking, pet sitting on August 27th, 2009 by Bark – Be the first to comment

Welcome to BarkSpot from Bark PDX, a blog dedicated to our pets and our lives and adventures with them. Here we will share ideas, information, news, links, fun stories, anecdotes and basically everything pet and animal related.

Tax Deductions for Pet Care!

We mentioned in an earlier post that having pets doesn’t only improve your happiness level, but could also help you to live longer. With so many Americans unable to afford adequate health care these days, anything that we can do to improve our well-being is justified. Tomi, one of Bark PDX’s clients, a terrific woman and fellow animal lover passed a link around that touches on the topic of tax deductions for pet care. In light of this cash for clunkers environment I can’t help but think that this is a fantastic idea. There are plenty of things for which one can seek tax deductions- just ask the corporations. Of all the tax deductions out there it is arguable that any are nearly as noble as tax deductions for pet care. Bark PDX has lost a few clients this year due to the difficult economic environment and we feel terrible that these animals who depend of human’s care have to suffer through no fault of their own. Please take a moment to review this site and contribute to the cause by voting “yes” on this petition, here’s the link: Tax Deductions for Pet Care

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Happy National Dog Day!

Posted in Animal, Cat, Dog, Oregon, Pets, Portland, dog walking, pet sitting on August 26th, 2009 by Bark – Be the first to comment

Welcome to BarkSpot from Bark PDX, a blog dedicated to our pets and our lives and adventures with them. Here we will share ideas, information, news, links, fun stories, anecdotes and basically everything pet and animal related.

Happy National Dog Day!

Did you all remember that today, August 26th, is National Dog Day?!? Well, depending in what time zone you’re in, you either still have some time to give your furry little pal a big hug and a kiss- or not so much. I had a difficult time trying to dig up the origin of this obscure but ever-growing-in-popularity dog holiday. My first thought was that it was yet another ploy of some large corporations trying to create a day to spend more of your hard earned money on relatively unnecessary dog gear and toys. But eventually I got to thinking of how people wait for certain holidays to acknowledge the ones they love. And if not for those holidays some of us may never be acknowledged at all.

Maybe National Dog Day is a chance to remind your doggie that you love them, especially since I’m sure they don’t wait for holidays to remind you. Maybe it’s a day to go out and adopt a dog that needs you or time to volunteer and that animal shelter. Whatever it is for you, make National Dog Day a great day for your Dog. And if you forgot or never knew about National Dog Day, I’m pretty sure your pup won’t mind if you celebrate it tomorrow.

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Lucky Oregon Pets

Posted in Animal, Cat, Dog, Oregon, Pets, Portland, dog walking, pet sitting on August 25th, 2009 by Bark – 1 Comment

Welcome to BarkSpot from Bark PDX, a blog dedicated to our pets and our lives and adventures with them. Here we will share ideas, information, news, links, fun stories, anecdotes and basically everything pet and animal related.

Lucky Oregon Pets

It was barely drizzling this morning after a light rain that lasted throughout the night. The sun eventually fought its way through the clouds and emerged victorious in its fight against them as those early afternoon clouds retreated. It turned out to be a beautiful day indeed and a great day for a walk with some of Portland’s luckiest dogs. Rainbows abound, I started thinking about how beautiful it is here and thinking of that saying “if there wasn’t rain, there wouldn’t be rainbows” (so true on so many levels). We are all fortunate here in Oregon for a number of reasons one of which is that if you drive in any direction, you’ll end up somewhere incredibly beautiful. We have mountains and streams, oceans and hills and a truly breathtaking natural landscape statewide. One of these beautiful places that I mentioning also doubles as the 2nd longest year-round waterfalls in the U.S. It’s called Multnomah Falls and it is located about a 1/2 hour east of Portland (depending on who is driving).

I know that not all of this blog’s readers are from Portland, but that shouldn’t mean that you can’t also appreciate some of Oregon’s beauty. Who knows, you might find yourself here one day looking for something nice to see that’s nearby the city. You can hike all the way to the top… or can you? Here’s the link to their website in case you were looking for any additional information: Multnomah Falls

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Kitty Stuck in a Tree

Posted in Animal, Cat, Dog, Oregon, Pets, Portland, dog walking, pet sitting on August 24th, 2009 by Bark – 2 Comments

Welcome to BarkSpot from Bark PDX, a blog dedicated to our pets and our lives and adventures with them. Here we will share ideas, information, news, links, fun stories, anecdotes and basically everything pet and animal related.

Kitty Stuck in a Tree

Meow… Meow… Meow… Meow… (two days go by) Meow… Meow… Help! My cat is stuck in the tree! Will it come down on its own? I’m sure we’ve heard this question posed before, but what’s the answer? Will the cat eventually come down from the tree or not? I once heard someone say, “Of course they’ll eventually come down, have you ever seen a cat’s skeleton in a tree?” Er um, no I haven’t ever seen that before, but that doesn’t have me totally convinced that cats will eventually come down on their own if stuck in a tree.

First of all, we have to agree that the cat we’re discussing isn’t a fierce outdoor cat with sharp survival tactics and street cred. Let’s talk about the sensitive, indoor cat whose largest challenge is responding to the opening of a can of tender and delicious kitty vittles. One thing I know is that if they made it up the tree, they have the physical capabilities to make it down, but that doesn’t address the fear factor that the cat is now dealing with. Needing food and water would definitely provide a big motivation to eventually come down, but is that enough motivation for all cats? The more I think about it the more I could continue listing all of the variables that are occurring to me but I’ll spare you. My guess is that most cats will eventually come down on their own and that’s why the fire department doesn’t really address those calls anymore (not to mention the liability), animal services will reluctantly involve itself and cat owners are left to panic for themselves. All I know is that if someone decides to go up that tree after the cat, don’t kill yourself doing it (it has happened before!). I’m not sure if we’ll get to the bottom of this today, but if you run into this problem and your cat won’t get itself down from the tree I found a site that has a directory that offers assistance for this very matter: Cat in a Tree

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Under The Weather

Posted in Uncategorized on August 20th, 2009 by Bark – Be the first to comment

Welcome to BarkSpot from Bark PDX, a blog dedicated to our pets and our lives and adventures with them. Here we will share ideas, information, news, links, fun stories, anecdotes and basically everything pet and animal related.

Under The Weather

Hello all, I just wanted to give you all an update. I usually try to update the blog every weekday but due to an unusual and unwelcome summer sickness I’m taking the week off (from the blog anyway). So, thanks to all of you for your patience and please look forward to our normal blog updates starting next week. Thanks again!

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It’s a Bird, it’s a Plane, it’s a Dock Diving Dog

Posted in Animal, Cat, Dog, Oregon, Pets, Portland, dog walking, pet sitting on August 17th, 2009 by Bark – Be the first to comment

Welcome to BarkSpot from Bark PDX, a blog dedicated to our pets and our lives and adventures with them. Here we will share ideas, information, news, links, fun stories, anecdotes and basically everything pet and animal related.

It’s a Bird, it’s a Plane, it’s a Dock Diving Dog

First of all, let me begin this entry by saying that not all dogs can swim, trust me. It is largely a misconception that all dogs can swim and so it is a big mistake to just go throwing dogs into pools. You should probably get in the water first and welcome your pup slowly and give him a chance to become comfortable with it. You definitely don’t want your dog to make a negative association with the water, especially if you yourself are a water enthusiast. And then, if your dog seems to like the water like mine do, you may consider dock diving.

Dock Diving has to be one of the coolest dog sports ever! If you have ever seen a competition you know exactly what I mean. These dogs take a flying leap from a dock into a pool of water and are measured by the distance from the dock to where the dog’s tail penetrates the water. At least I think that’s how it works. I am dying to get my puppy ready to compete in this event as I think he’s a natural. He can totally leap tall buildings in a single bound, well can leap over my couch anyway. Is your dog a dock dog? If so, we’d love to hear about it, and don’t forget to send a picture if you have one.

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For The Birds

Posted in Animal, Cat, Dog, Oregon, Pets, Portland, dog walking, pet sitting on August 13th, 2009 by Bark – Be the first to comment

Welcome to BarkSpot from Bark PDX, a blog dedicated to our pets and our lives and adventures with them. Here we will share ideas, information, news, links, fun stories, anecdotes and basically everything pet and animal related.

For The Birds

When it comes to pets, Bark PDX loves them all! We provide playcare for all kinds of animals and we have a warm spot in our hearts for each and every one of them. Today I came across this story about this woman who has decided to keep some unlikely pets in her apartment- street pigeons. I was born and raised in New York City so I know a thing or two about these pigeons, they are all over the place. Honestly, I remember people having very little compassion for these birds. “Rats with wings” I would often hear, accusing them of being among the dirtiest of all NYC critters. Every now and again the negative view of these pigeons would be shattered by the one person altruistally distributing food to them as hundreds of pigeons amassed for a tasty treat. Jennifer Chong, a Wildlife Rehabilitator, shares her 1 bedroon apartment with about 48 pigeons. After the recent stories about animal cruelty in New York I’m happy to be able to talk about this one. Anyway, here’s the link and let me know what you think. Pigeon Whisperer

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Activists Claim Responsibility For Burning Down CEO’s Home

Posted in Animal, Cat, Dog, Oregon, Pets, Portland, dog walking, pet sitting on August 12th, 2009 by Bark – Be the first to comment

Welcome to BarkSpot from Bark PDX, a blog dedicated to our pets and our lives and adventures with them. Here we will share ideas, information, news, links, fun stories, anecdotes and basically everything pet and animal related.

Activists Claim Responsibility For Burning Down CEO’s Home

MFAH Austria, an animal rights group, has claimed responsibility for burning down Novartis CEO Dr. Daniel Vasella’s vacation home in Austria. Allegedly, these activists poured several gallons of gasoline by the entrances of the home and lit it on fire badly damaging the home. To make matters much, much worse, they vandalized the house and stole an urn containing the remains of Vasella’s Mother. The house can of course be rebuilt, but Vasella’s Mother’s remains are irreplaceable.

Animal testing is a difficult topic and I would much rather hear from you than post my own personal ideas on the issue. Many of the life-saving drugs we use today are the result of animal testing, but does that justify the inhumane treatment of animals? Thankfully, some of these terrible animal testing practices have been obsoleted by technological advances, but animal testing is none-the-less still used. I would love to hear your thoughts and please try to keep them peaceful regardless of where you stand on the topic. Here’s a video of the Novartis CEO addressing the attack.

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Portland’s Homeless Dog Hero!

Posted in Animal, Cat, Dog, Oregon, Pets, Portland, dog walking, pet sitting on August 11th, 2009 by Bark – Be the first to comment

Welcome to BarkSpot from Bark PDX, a blog dedicated to our pets and our lives and adventures with them. Here we will share ideas, information, news, links, fun stories, anecdotes and basically everything pet and animal related.

Portland’s Homeless Dog Hero!

Click image for additional pictures of the homeless and their dogs

Have you ever driven by a homeless person and noticed that they had a pet? And if so, what were your thoughts? I’ve heard many, both positive and negative and have thought both positively and negatively about it. Besides whether or not what I think about it makes any difference whatsoever, the fact remains that all pets need love and attention and the homeless are capable of providing this… I hope. Aside from love and attention, a dog also needs nutrients and now it becomes questionable whether or not the homeless can ensure a proper nutrition for their furry friends. Most homeless shelters and soup kitchens don’t really offer food for pets and buying dog food can be costly for even the employed. Luckily, Portland has what I call, “Portland’s Homeless Dog Hero” and his name is Larry Chusid. Larry is a commited to feeding the needy… dogs that is! To date, Larry has supplied Portland’s homeless dogs with over 100,000 meals of quality dog food and treats. It’s a story that warms the heart and is especially inspirational. For those of you that would like to help support Larry’s cause please visit: and for those of you interested in reading the full story from the Oregonian, here’s the link: Portland’s Homeless Dog Hero

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Put on Your Thinking Caps

Posted in Animal, Cat, Dog, Oregon, Pets, Portland, dog walking, pet sitting on August 10th, 2009 by Bark – Be the first to comment

Welcome to BarkSpot from Bark PDX, a blog dedicated to our pets and our lives and adventures with them. Here we will share ideas, information, news, links, fun stories, anecdotes and basically everything pet and animal related.

Put on Your Thinking Caps

Happy Monday to everyone! The extremely warm Portland, Oregon weather has subsided somewhat and we’re pleased to get our week started once again. Over the weekend, someone in our Portland Petsitters networking group posted an interesting link with the topic of dog intelligence. Since I’ve been talking about Poodles lately I figured that I would mention that Poodles rank highly once again, along with German Shepherds and Border Collies. Poodles, yes, I’ve heard about this many times. German Shepherds like K-9 cop, yeah ok. But Border Collies? Who knew? I will admit that Border Collies dominate when it comes to frisbee though, I just saw an awesome competition and they were amazing to witness. Well, what I guess I’ve learned over time is that dog’s can be both intelligent and not so intelligent and I don’t know if this is entirely breed specific. For example, I’ve known both bright and slow Poodles. In any case it is an interesting article and recommended reading. Dog Smarts

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